Dr. Ashu Goyal (PT)

BPT, MPT orthopaedics

Dr. Ashu Goyal is an expert orthopaedic physiotherapist. He passed his BPT degree from PGIMS, Rohtak (Haryana) which is one of best medical college of India and MSPT from reputed government university.

Lot of patients got satisfactory result with differential approach of his treatment. He uses cupping therapy, dry needling therapy, IASTM, taping, mobilization and other electrotherapy in his treatment.

Common conditions treated by him are PIVD, OA Knee, RA (Rheumatoid arthritis), Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, TM Joint dysfunction, Rotator cuff tear, Frozen shoulder, Tendinitis, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Thoracic outlet syndrome, SLAP tear/ labral tear, Golfer’s elbow, Tennis elbow, Bursitis, Anterior cruciate ligament injuries, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Tendinitis, Disc herniation, Stenosis, SI joint dysfunction, Patellofemoral syndrome, Meniscus tear, Achilles tendinitis, Plantar fasciitis.

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